Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Organized by: Test Org New 2 View event on Jlive:...
Celebrate the Jewish year with the Jewish Public Library community. Join us for a Jewish storytime, and share the Jewish holiday experience with other families. Discover and celebrate inspiring stories, and enjoy an afternoon amongst friends, old and new. For all children aged 2 to 8. Come one, come all!...
**ORDRE DU JOUR :** 1. Mot de bienvenue 2. Hymne national canadien 3. Ouverture de l’assemblée 4. Dvar Torah 5. Approbation de l’ordre du jour 6. Approbation du procès-verbal de l'AGA du 14 juin 2023 7. Approbation du rapport d'activités relatif au PSOC 8. Approbation des états financiers au 31...
Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Please note that only the first 120 characters will always...
Join us at our Annual General Meeting which gives our donors and stakeholders a full picture of the Foundation’s activities and meaningful impact each year. View event on Jlive:
_We invite you to join our Chai, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Corporate or Event Sponsors._ We’re counting on your support! Get involved in MTC’s life-line fundraiser of the year! Get your tickets at View event on Jlive: Click here to join the livestream.
**ORDRE DU JOUR :** 1. Mot de bienvenue 2. Hymne national canadien 3. Ouverture de l’assemblée 4. Dvar Torah 5. Approbation de l’ordre du jour 6. Approbation du procès-verbal de l'AGA du 14 juin 2023 7. Approbation du rapport d'activités relatif au PSOC 8. Approbation des états financiers au 31...
The Annual General Meeting of the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors / L’Assemblée générale annuelle du Centre juif Cummings pour aînés. For more information call 514.342.1234. View event on Jlive: