Yaro event targeted to Detroit
Kyiv ada, Киевklqewkeqwk qwe kqwlekqwe lqkelqkw elqkwelqwke qlwkeqlwke. qlwekqwle kqwle kqwe lqwk elqwkeqlw kqwwelqwekqwlekqwlek lqe lqwekqwlekqlwek lqwek qwlk elqwk lq Organized by: Test Org USA
klqewkeqwk qwe kqwlekqwe lqkelqkw elqkwelqwke qlwkeqlwke. qlwekqwle kqwle kqwe lqwk elqwkeqlw kqwwelqwekqwlekqwlek lqe lqwekqwlekqlwek lqwek qwlk elqwk lq Organized by: Test Org USA
An after school in house program targeting Jewish students (elementary level) with learning disabilities enrolled in public or private schools which do not provide Jewish education. At our office, we provide a hands-on multi-sensory Jewish learning by offering various activities such as arts & craft, music and games. The curriculum...
Help us bring joy to children in need by donating new, unwrapped toys for the holidays. Drop off your donations at **Shaare Zion Beth-El** by December. 22nd, 2023 View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/6391
Приглашаем вас на празднование Хануки 10го Декабря в 11:00. Программа для детей от 4-12 лет. В программе зажигания свечей, история Хануки, детский зоопарк, временые татуировки , фотозона с воздушными шарами и другие развлечения. А также ханукальныи угощения. Все вырученные средства будут переданы в фонд помощи жертвам террора и их семьям...
**_Sunday, December 10 at 11:30 a.m._** Join us and La La Lesley for a family Chanukah party In support of camp Koby in Israel. $36 per family Fun for the entire family View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/6263
Hanouka en Fête 10 décembre 2023 12h30 à 16h Congrégation sépharade Or Hahayim 5700 rue Einstein, CSL Jeux Gonflables * Sculpteur de ballons * Ateliers de Hanouka * Maquillage pour enfants * Beignets * Tombola * Prix de présence View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/6187
Join us for a festive and joyous Kids Hanukkah Party on December 10th, at Shaare Zion Beth-El. There will be singing, treats, and plenty of Hanukkah cheer for the little ones! Looking forward to seeing you there 🕎 View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/6388
Venez célébrer Hannoucca avec notre communauté; décorer de délicieux beignets en l'honneur de la fête, fabriquer vos propres bougies, et faire la fête! De la musique, une bonne ambiance, du plaisir garanti pour tous les enfants! **Evènement animé en Francais et en anglais!** Choisissez le nombre de billets total au...
The Dora Wasserman Yiddish Theatre presents **Lyrics & Latkes: A DWYT Chanukah Sing-Along** Sunday, December 10, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. In the Studio The Dora Wasserman Yiddish Theatre (DWYT) celebrates the Festival of Lights with its annual beloved holiday sing-along led by DWYT performers. In person in the...
Celebrate the Jewish year with the Jewish Public Library community. Join us for a Jewish storytime, and share the Jewish holiday experience with other families. Discover and celebrate inspiring stories, and enjoy an afternoon amongst friends, old and new. For all children aged 2 to 8. Come one, come all!...
Kitchen parties (popular in Atlantic Canada) are informal gatherings where friends get together and share laughter and music. Bring a song, music, story, poem, dreidel, art, or other Hanukkah-related offerings to share. Menorah lighting! Potato latkes! Sufganiyout! RSVP Required Cost: Sliding scale $10-$20/person View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/6378
**Celebrate Chanukah with Us - Virtually!** We're excited to invite you to a special online gathering to light the menorah, say blessings, and sing Chanukah songs together. In these challenging times, our event taking place during each night of Chanukah stands as a beacon of unity and hope. Let's come...