If your organization uses CiviCRM as your CRM, its easy to export the files you need from Jlive to import them to CiviCRM.
The most common way to import Jlive data is to import Event Registrants as Contacts using the API CSV Import GUI.
How to export Attendee CSV from Jlive
First, you will need to gather a list of the Registrants that you would like to import. Typically this is done by going to the Manage Event page on any event and visiting the Attendees page. Here you can find the download CSV button.
See: How to download Attendee CSV
How to Import using the API CSV Import GUI in CiviCRM
Here are Import Instructions on the official CiviCRM website. Or you can please read below.
Install the API CSV Import GUI Extension
This extension facilitates uploading CSVs via the CiviCRM import interface. Useful for bulk uploading events or campaigns etc.
The civicrm api entity can be set to, for example, Event or Campaign. (Note that for entities like Contribution Pages you need to use API names – either ContributionPage or contribution_page). The same permissions apply as for any api create call.
To use you need to go to civicrm/csvimporter/import . More notes are in the README.

You can save your Field Mapping for next time.