Highlights of the Yom Kippur service. Join Rabbis Sherril Gilbert & Schachar Orenstein in a musical journey that resonates with the depths of your spirit. View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5312
Help us prepare for the joyful holiday of Sukkot and familiarize yourself with its rituals and themes by helping us construct and decorate our 'temporary dwelling' community Sukkah on our back porch. Some of us will engage in building the sukkah out of beams and branches, while the rest work...
Join in the mitzvot of Sukkot at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom by decorating our sukkah and eating in it! Family-friendly crafts and pizza will be available for all. View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5264
**Have you ever wanted to celebrate Sukkot in the wilderness?** On October 1, we invite you to join us with **Rabbi Dini Lewittes** for an afternoon of hiking, reflection, and dining among the Laurentian Mountains. Otherwise known as the Jewish fall harvest festival, Sukkot is a time to appreciate the...
**The holiday of Sukkot is a celebration of the divine assistance the Israelites received during the exodus. It is a time to join together and be joyful during this 7 day festival. Come celebrate with us! Enjoy a delicious meal and musical entertainment in the company of friends!** View event...
Let’s get our Sukkot (Feast of Booths) celebrations underway with a family outing to a fun-filled, autumn-themed Sukkah at Federation CJA’s West Island location. Delicious Kosher pancakes will be served (breakfast for dinner? Yes please!) while families can enjoy festive pumpkin decorating, lulav shaking, live music, and tons of fun...
В еврейской традиции Сукка представляет собой открытую палатку, которая дает возможность отпраздновать праздник, думая об урожае и новых начинаниях. Суккот — один из трех главных праздников в иудаизме, одновременно сельскохозяйственный праздник благодарения и ознаменование сорокалетнего периода, в течение которого дети Израиля скитались по пустыне после выхода из египетского рабства, живя...
**Come out and mingle while enjoying delicious tacos and learning to make and drink margaritas!** **For singles in their 20s & 30s** Deadline to register: October 2 at 10:00am *food will be dairy/pareve View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5544
Venez célébrer Souccot sous la souccah communautaire et décorer de délicieux cookies en l'honneur de la fête! De la musique, des biscuits et la preparation d'un joli drapeau pour la fete de Simchat Torah! **Evènement animé en Francais!** _IMPORTANT_ : L'inscription de l'enfant sera complete uniquement lors de la reception...
Come enjoy dinner with the L'Annexe community, including our GED & Literacy Program students, in the sukkah in front of the YM-YWHA. We will be serving a festive kosher meal and playing games in the sukkah in honour of the holiday. A big thank you to the Y for lending...
Celebrate Sukkot with artisanal pizza from our awesome outdoor oven, and learn some Kabbalah (mystical teachings) about the holiday! Bring your friends, unwind and enjoy pizza in our Sukkah! For Students and Young Adults! Wine will be served! 🍷🍷🍷 10$ couvert, FREE for registered Concordia students! View event on Jlive:...
_You’re invited to BBYO Sushi in the Sukkah. On October 4_ _th_ _, join BBYO at Federation West Island from 5 pm-7 pm. Come enjoy yummy sushi, fun games, and shake the Lulav and Etrog with the Rockin Rabbi. A time to celebrate the holidays and make them even more...
Come enjoy dinner with the L'Annexe community, including our GED & Literacy Program students, in the sukkah in front of the YM-YWHA. We will be serving a festive kosher meal and playing games in the sukkah in honour of the holiday. A big thank you to the Y for lending...
Célébration dans la Soukka pour les participants de Yahad 2023. Musique, ambiance, amuse-geules au rendez-vous. Dans la Soukka de Or Hahayim, 5700 ave. Einstien CSL. View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5673
Are you ready to unleash your inner artist while surrounded by the in the unique atmosphere of our Sukkah? ADATH Jewish Experience invites you to an unforgettable Paint Night in the Sukkah event, tailor-made for those in their 20s and 30s. * **Date** : Thursday, October 5 * **Time** :...
Join us to celebrate the fall holiday of Sukkot! Tweens, their parents and their siblings are invited to experience this beautiful outdoor fall holiday through interactive games, crafts and snacks. The cost is 10$ per child. Babies in arms and adults are complimentary. Bring a sweater! Meet in the Y...
Davening, singing, dancing and a festive potluck meal all in celebration of the Torah! *Please sign-up for potluck by by noon Friday Oct 6 to RSVP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D48AFA723A75-44464507-simchat *Beverages: Due to the Legion's licensing restrictions, all attendees will be issued a drink ticket at the door. IDs required for alcohol. View...
Ne manquez pas la Seouda de Simhat Torah à Or Shalom ! Repas à table. Places limitées. Sur réservation seulement. Date limite pour réserver : **lundi 2 octobre - 15h.** View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5613
Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Organized by: Mean Wine Drinkers International View event on Jlive:...
Tot Shabbat is a new Temple initiative encouraging young families to meet and come together in a safe, family friendly space at Temple. Tot Shabbat is an opportunity to spend quality time with your young family, to build connection, to pray, to sing, to move and most of all, to...
Join Hillel Montreal for Shabbat dinner on October 20th at 7PM for dinner and prayers at the Hillel House. Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to a great night! View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5804
Tot Shabbat is a new Temple initiative encouraging young families to meet and come together in a safe, family friendly space at Temple. Tot Shabbat is an opportunity to spend quality time with your young family, to build connection, to pray, to sing, to move and most of all, to...
Join us as we enjoy a light meal and a musical havdalah. It will be a wonderful way to close out shabbat and bring in the new week. 6 PM at the Hillel House View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5929
Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Please note that only the first 120 characters will always be displayed when you share the event via social media. Organized by: Organization With Trees! Detroit Click here to join...
Join JQueer for Queer Shabbat! We'll be celebrating identity and intersection with an egalitarian student led service, dinner, and drinks. All members of the queer community are invited to join us. View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5972
Join Hillel for Queer Havdallah! We'll be celebrating identity and intersection with seudat shlishit (light meal), havdallah, games, and more! Everyone is welcome. View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/5973
Чудовi новини! PJ library в Монреалi тепер також i украïнською! Єврейські історії та казки для дітей. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо зустрічi з нашими маленькими читачами! Що у програмi: Цiкавi книжки і заняття, що занурять вас в світ захоплюючих пригод Творчi майстернi Смачний снiданок Не пропустіть! Ця ініціатива стала можливою завдяки...