Join Mile End Chavurah and the Museum of Jewish Montreal on October 19th for
the next installation of The People’s Yeshiva! We are pleased to welcome back
special guest Steven Lapidus for the first of a 2-part series: ” _When Does A
Word Not Mean What It Means?” A ___Very__ _ Close Reading of the Talmud”._
Studying Talmud can be seen as an infinite meaning making method – the closer
we look at its text, the more entangled and uncertain it becomes. Rather than
being daunted by this complexity, we invite you to join us in exploring the
art of close-reading as we practice the Talmudic method. Debating Yeshiva-
style – sentence by sentence, and word by word – we will sit down with a
Rabbinic discussion about when one must sacrifice oneself for Judaism as a
whole and wrestle with the ambiguities of words, considering how the Talmud
can offer meaning in single letters.
Come participate in studying texts and generating meaning with the community
around you. All welcome – no previous experience or yiddishkeit required!
Refreshments provided.
~ About The People’s Yeshiva ~
This event is part of The People’s Yeshiva of Mile End—a series of
participatory study sessions, curated by Joseph Rosen, where we dig into the
Talmudic tradition in order to see how its ancient resources might have
surprises to offer the contemporary world. A guiding premise of the series is
that Rabbinic innovation happens not through rejection or criticism of the
past, but by means of subversive interpretation.
~ About Steven Lapidus ~
Steven Lapidus is a Montreal-based scholar of the history of Orthodox Judaism,
with a focus on the North American manifestation of Haredi Judaism. A former
co-curator at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, he has published
articles and book chapters in both English and French on Canadian Jewish
history and the Hasidic experience in North America. He teaches religion at
Concordia, including cross-cultural classes on sexuality, gender, death,
ritual and religio-social history.
~Accessibility Notes~
This event will take place on the 2nd Floor of the MJM, currently accessible
only by stairs. Please reach out to if this is
preventative – we will work with you to find solutions. Masks are strongly
encouraged and will be available on site.
Learn more about the Mile End Chavurah:
Learn more about the Museum of Jewish Montreal:
_Lead Image: Kiddush Cup, 19th/Early 20th-Century Bohemia (Italy), in the
collection of the Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme_
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