TAKE NOTICE that a Special Meeting of the Members of L’Association Hébraique
des Jeunes Hommes, Jeunes Femmes de Montréal / The Young Men’s and Young
Women’s Hebrew Association of Montreal (the “Corporation”) will be held on
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 12 noon,
For the following purposes to:
1. Authorize the Board of Directors to amend the objects of the Corporation
by the filing of Form RE-502 – Demande de Lettres Patentes Supplémentaires
(Application for Supplementary Letters Patent) with the Registraire des
entreprises du Québec (Document hereto as Schedule A); and
2. Transact such further or other business as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the above or otherwise. DATED this 20th day of January, 2023.
By order of the Chair of the Board
Lonn Shulkin
A copy of the document indicated hereto as Schedule A is available for perusal
upon request. A copy of the schedule will also be made available at the
meeting of the members. To obtain a copy of the document in advance of the
meeting, please contact Roberta Ross at 514-737-6551, ext.229 or by email at
(mailto:[email protected]).
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