Join the Montreal Holocaust Museum on November 9th at 7pm in commemorating the
legacy of Kristallnacht, the pogrom organized by the Nazis on November 9 and
10, 1938. In the years that followed this violent pogrom, millions of Jews
became the targets of further persecution and genocide.
Three of these individuals were Nathan, Salomea, and Janek Cytryn. On the 85th
anniversary of Kristallnacht, we invite you to learn about how their lives
were forever changed in its aftermath.
Their story will be told through Salomea’s own words, as her letters sent from
the Warsaw ghetto to her husband in a POW camp were recently donated to the
Montreal Holocaust Museum and translated by the Polish Institute of Science
and Arts in Canada thanks to assistance from the (
The ceremony will include musical pieces, commemorative prayers, an address
from Professor Ula Madej-Krupitski, and readings of Salomea’s letters by
performers from The Dora Wasserman Yiddish Theatre.
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