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Integrate with Salesforce using Make.com

The recommended way to integrate Jlive with Salesforce is via our integration with Make.com. This powerful tool allows Jlive to easily connect to 1000s of different platforms. This article focuses on Salesforce specifically.

Jlive has partnered with a professional Salesforce consultancy BKONECT to help Jlive customers to effectively configure their integration with Salesforce. Due to the work already completed, the process is fairly simple and mostly just requires a few decisions within your organization around how to match duplicate records. BKONECT has created a Salesforce template which includes pre-configured Custom Objects that map with Jlive data.

Integration Schema

This diagram shows how Jlive passes data into the pre-created Custom Objects for Jlive Event, Jlive Order, and Jlive Registration. Jlive Order and Jlive Registration pass data into the existing Salesforce Contact Record.

New Events

At a set interval (ex: every 15 minutes), Make.com will get New Events created within your Jlive organization and push that information into the Jlive Event Custom Object.

New Registrants

At a set interval (ex: every 15 minutes), Make.com will get New Registrations created within your Jlive organization and push that information into the Jlive Registration Custom Object. As you can see in the diagram below, there is some logic that will determine how your Salesforce handles duplicate records and household. This may require a conversation with BKONECT in order to properly configure it to yoiur needs.

New Registrant Check Ins

At a set interval (ex: every 15 minutes), Make.com will get New Registrant Check Ins created within your Jlive organization and push that Check In information into the Jlive Registration Custom Object in Check In Information field.

Updates to existing records

The same logic and flows will exist for any updates to existing records. This means when an event is modified to a different time or location, or any other update, it will pass to Salesforce automatically. When a Registration is cancelled or an Order is Refunded this will also be updated in Salesforce. Additionally, when a Registrant Un-Checks In, Salesforce will reflect this.

Make.com Official Documentation: 

For additional information, here is a link to the Make.com website which speaks to how the Make.com platform integrates with Salesforce.

How to Connect Make.com to Salesforce

Updated on February 27, 2023

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