Event Dashboard

Visit the Manage Event / Dashboard page to see key insights around registrations and anonymized demographics.

Each chart contains a tool-tip that explains the methodology behind the data collection.

General Data

The top section includes Total Sales (inclusive of Donations), total Tickets (ie unique registrants), and Donations (ie Additional Donations at checkout).

Below this there is a Tickets Registered bar chart showing all Registrations by day.

Anonymized Demographic Data

Demographic data such as Registrant Age, Gender, and Neighborhood is obtained anonymously from multiple sources. First we check whether they answered the question when registering to this event. If not, we check if there is a User Profile for their email with this information. If there is not, then we check past Registrations at other events including events from all organizations on the Jlive Platform. This information is anonymized to protect the privacy of individual registrants.